Finally, a new year, a brand new start...... Since October last year, I had not published any blog post but the good thing is  I AM BACK! (Haha) To start off this year, I am doing an online learning assignment on my learning profile, Mulitple Intelligences.
After completing the Multiple Intelligences (MI) Test, I discovered that I am actually more Linguistic (word smart) and Intrapersonal (myself smart). In addition, I am also quite logical as number smart is my second best.

Actually, I think that this test is quite accurate to me as I know that I like to be independent and work with myself which is actually an example of Intrapersonal. In addition, I also know myself very good and do not really like going out with my friends. As for linguistic, I agree with it as I find myself learning better and more effective using words rather than pictures etc. In addition, I like writing and I just can't help it when doing a composition. Words seem to be engraved on the paper by my hands.

However, I feel that this test is partially reliable as in my opinion, humans are supposed to be extremely intelligent living thing which have our 5 senses to think, work and live. We all have a powerful mind which can adsorb almost everything, hence, I feel that humans can actually be smart in other areas than only in those areas in the test but we just need time to develop. Although one might be better in one area, it is not like when you are born, you are already number smart or spatial smart. Do you agree?

Thus, I feel that we should not over reply on this test as it is only a show of your abilities in different areas but do not tell us that we are always better in this area.Hence, I believe we should not be disappointed when we see our disabilities but use this test as a motivation to inspire us to seek to excel and improve in other areas. Moreover, no one is born smart, you just take time to be smart......
If you want to view the result of my Multiple Intelligences Test, click the link here:

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