So do you know what are inner planets?

The inner planets are actually the four planets which are nearest to the Sun. These planets are the Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury. As pluto has been considered as dwarf planet, it is now not included in the inner planets. These planets are planets made of rock, unlike the bigger planets further out which are made mostly of gas.

As these inner planets are mainly made of rock, they have a hard surface which allow a spaceship to land on. This is why sometimes these inner planets are called terrestial (earth) planets. They all have a thin atmosphere, but each of them is very different from one another.

- Venus

Venus is a soft pinkish white planet with no features visible on the surface through its thick atmosphere.

Venus's atmosphere would be very DEADLY for the humans. It is very deep so the pressure on the ground is huge. In addition, it is mainly made of poisonous carbon dioxide and is also filled with clouds of sulphuric acid.

- Do you know why is Venus called the Evening Star?

Venus reflects sunlight so well that it shines so brightly like a star. However, because it is qutie close to the Sun, we can only see it in the evening, just after the Sun sets. In addition, we can also see it just sometime before sunrise.

Here are some interesting documentaries on the deadly planet Venus. Please take some time to watch it. Enjoy!


- Mercury

Mercury has no virtually atmosphere and its surface is pitted with craters like the Moon. Temperatures on Mercury veer from one extreme to the other as it has too thin an atmosphere to insulate it. In the day, temperatures can soar up to 430 degree celsius while at night, it may go as low as -180 degree celsius!

- Could living things breathe on Mercury?

You cannot breathe on Mercury without your oxygen supply as it has almost no atmosphere - just a few wisps of sodium vapour - as gases are burned off by the nearby Sun.

Now, let's watch a documentary on Mercury. Enjoy!

Another interesting video on Mercury which tells you more interesting facts about it. Enjoy!