Have you heard about the America's Grand Canyon? But do you know what canyon is actually larger than the Grand Canyon?

The largest canyon is actually on MARS! (COOL......!) The surface of Mars is more stable than the Earth's. Furthermore, there is no rain or running water to wear down the landscape on Mars. Hence, although Mars is only about half the size of the Earth's, it has a volcano which is called Olympus Mons 24 km high - three times as high as Mount Everest!

In addition, it has a great chasm which is discovered by the Mariner 9 space probe and called the Valles Marineris. This is over 4000 km long and four times as deep as America's Grand Canyon. Isn't that shocking!

Let's watch an interesting video on the Mars' Moon! Enjoy!
URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al_YHmIXx9Q

* Interesting facts!

Do you know what is so frightening about Mars' Moon? It was told that one night, an American astronomer Asaph Hall got fed up with studying Mars and decided to go to bed. However, his domineering wife bullied him into staying up - and that night was when he discovered Mars' two moons. Mocking his fear of his wife, he then named the two moons Phobos (fear) and Deimos (panic)!

- Do you know why is Mars red?

Mars appears to be red as it is rusty. Its surface contains a high proportion of iron dust and this has been oxidized in the carbon dioxide atmosphere.

Image source: http://www.energie-der-sterne.de/Mars.gif